Invest in the North Richmond Farm

In 2023 we finally broke ground on the project!

We will be working to build one phase of construction at a time as we are able to secure funds. The more funding we can secure the more of the vision of the North Richmond Farm will come to life…

Seed the Fund

$400,000 raised of $400,000 .
In September 2020 we launched the Capital Campaign to begin building out the North Richmond Farm Project. Our initial goal was to raise the $400,000 we would need to purchase the land the farm is on and to have the funds necessary to mount a capital campaign. In September 2021 we were so excited to announce that the transfer of the land deed from Contra Costa County to Urban Tilth. Our plan is to keep moving forward on building a permanent hub for the regionally local food system at the North Richmond Farm and begin the process of transitioning the land into Community Ownership with democratic governance. Thank you to the donors and funders who helped us achieve our first milestone- raising seed money to jumpstart the New North Richmond Farm.

Phase I – Utilities & Fred Jackson Way Project

$2,420,000 raised of $2,420,000 .
Our first construction project is to make the farm accessible to pedestrians and bikers by updating over a mile of Fred Jackson Way transforming it into safe, accessible green space. In our first phase, we’ll also refresh the utilities on the farm to accommodate our growth.

Nabeta Farm Annex

$2,182,500 raised of $2,500,000 .
During 2024 we plan to complete all environmental testing needed to assess the newly acquired Nabeta Farm. We will also be temporarily moving our offices to the Nabeta Annex so construction on the Nabeta Farm can continue unimpeded. We are also working to repair and renovate the 3 homes on the Nabeta Farm property (355 Brookside Drive, 377 Brookside Drive and 411 Brookside Drive) so that they can be put back in operations as well as renovate one of thge smaller greenhouses on site so that it can be used to raise seedlings for our Greenway Team’s use.

Phase II – Farm Infrastructure

$5,998,326 raised of $11,400,000 .
During Phase II, we will begin construction on the new, permanent greenhouse, the Watersheds Learning Center, compost toilet and outdoor classrooms. We’ll also double the growing capacity of the Farm by expanding our fruit tree orchard and doubling the number of crop rows.

Phase III – "Main Barn" and Community Resiliency Center

$6,525,402 raised of $12,600,000 .
During Phase III, the Community Resiliency Center that we refer to as the “Main Barn” will be built. “Main Barn” will be home to the Farm Store which will provide fresh local affordable or free produce to residents 7 days a week, as well as an interior wash and pack to support expanded fruit and vegetable preparation, packing and distribution and offer a community room for resident-organized meetings and events. This building will also serve as a Community Resiliency Center offering the community a place to shelter during emergencies. It will be equipped with HEPA air filtration system so it can be a refuge for those suffering from respiratory illnesses during an air quality event. It will have the ability to operate during power outages for up to 3 days using solar panels and our battery back up system. It will also offer cold storage for food and medicine and we are working out arrangement to access additional emergency equipment and facilities such as mobile restrooms and showers in the event of an extended emergency. In late Spring of 2024 it is imperative that we complete the foundations for the Main Barn / Resiliency Center building in order to activate our building permit. $2.3M is needed in 2024 to pay for this essential work.

Your investment in the North Richmond Farm will allow us to establish deep roots, feed our community and grow into the inspiring neighborhood anchor our community deserves.

2024 Fundraising Goal

$11,114,560 raised of $19,600,000.

Click here to make a contribution ONLINE -or- Make a contribution via check payable to:

         Urban Tilth 
323 Brookside Drive
Richmond, California 94801

*Memo:  Contribution to the North Richmond Farm Fund

*Contact for more information