Greywater Design Certification Course Recap

Our Watershed Restoration team would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to the folks at Greywater Action and the Ecology Center for leading an amazing 5-day Greywater Design certification […]

Plant Transplanting and Greywater Education

Watershed crew was busy last week at Albany Hill transplanting about 100 native plants including Ca Sun Cups , Foot Hill needle grass and purple needle grass! This week the […]

Frogs, Fallen Trees, and Native Grasses

WTS Update Rainy season means run-ins with cute little frogs( northern pacific tree frog), fallen trees that need chipping at Pinole Regional Park, and planting native grasses at Albany Hill. […]

Growing Green Leaders

Today we’re celebrating the graduation of 8 young West County residents from our ‘Basins of Relations’ Watershed Restoration Training Program! Over the past 15 weeks, these young adults have cared […]

Basins of Relations at Work

The work does not stop for our apprentices in the Basins of Relations program and Field Crew. The Richmond Greenway drainage area needs regular maintenance, as do the trails in […]

Rheem Creek Restoration Milestone

Lots of exciting updates from our Watershed Restoration Program! Our Watershed Restoration Field Crew has been working all year on growing plants for the Rheem Creek restoration project in the […]

Collaborative Work Day Recap

More great chances for collaborative work days between our Watersheds Field Crew, Basins of Relations Apprentices, and in this case, the City of Albany. It takes a team to steward […]

Nature Appreciation Event

Please join the Watersheds Crew for our Nature Appreciation event this Sunday, Nov. 19th from 10am to Noon! We’ll be cleaning up along Wildcat Creek trail, taking care of our […]

Our Watersheds team is growing!

This year, thanks to a grant from the California Strategic Growth Council and California Department of Conservation, we have founded a new area of work centered around Water Conservation- which […]