Summer Apprentice Program

The Summer Youth Apprentice Program hosts 40 West County youth at community garden, creek restoration, and farming sites across Richmond, CA where the youth will spend 6-weeks (100 hrs) learning about environmental justice, food justice, and food sovereignty and working alongside our staff to steward land, and cultivate resources our community!

The program includes workshops, field trips, guest speakers from people working various environmental, farming, social justice and land management fields, hands on learning work days, and a camping trip!

In 2023, we will be hosting youth apprentices in the following Project Areas:

  1. NORTH RICHMOND FARM: 323 Brookside Dr, Richmond, CA 94801
  2. Fruit Tree Orchard For All and Farm Stands at locations throughout Richmond
  3. Greenway Community Gardens: 16th street and 6th Street along the Richmond Greenway
  4. Watershed Restoration Crew: Various locations along Wildcat Creek & Cerrito Creek
  5. Ujima “Collective Work and Responsibility”: Crescent Park Apartment Community Garden 
  • Upon completion of the 100 hrs of the program youth will receive a $1,000.00 stipend.

Program Eligibility

  • WHO CAN APPLY: The program is open to West Contra Costa youth ages 15-19 years old
  • TRANSPORTATION: Apprentices must be able to provide their own transportation to their project sites which are all in Richmond.
  • SAFETY: Applicants must be safe to work at the project sites in Central Richmond, East Richmond Heights, South Richmond, and / or North Richmond.

The Summer Apprentice Program is a PAID Apprenticeship. Learning is apart of the experience, and full participation in all activities is expected. The program includes approximately 100 hours of hands-on learning and community service for which apprentices earn a $1000 stipend.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Apprentice stipends are based on the completion of 100% of program projects, tasks and learning exercises. If the program is only partially completed, the amount of stipend will be reduced based on the percentage completed.


How to Apply

Below you will find a button linking you to the 2024 Application Form

Please complete all sections of the Application Form by Wednesday May 31st, 2023.

  • Only completed applications will be considered.

Required Interviews

* Only completed applications will be considered and all candidates will be interviewed online via Zoom between Monday May 29th – Friday, June 9th. If you are applying to this year’s program please download the Zoom app onto your device (phone, tablet or computer) ahead of time. (

It is imperative that you schedule an interview and are on-time for your interview.

Accepted applicants will be announced on Monday, June 12, 2023.

Looking forward to another unforgettable year!

Urban Tilth