We are so thankful for the time we got to spend in the garden with Quan and the community volunteers this past Saturday!

While observing social distancing and wearing masks we brought one of the U-shaped garden beds back to life that had sadly failed during the shelter in place.
After transplanting many healthy strawberry plants to a strawberry bed we amended with compost. We turned our attention to the failed U-shaped bed.
We weeded, broke up the hard compacted soil, turned, and amended it with grape seed compost. Finally, we planted summer squash, green beans, and cucumber with hopes that our Indian summer will allow us to reap the fruit from these late summer seeds.
We picked up trash, including the cut and ripped out irrigation lines that had been vandalized during the shelter in place.
We watered the other raised garden beds and pollinator beds as vandals have pulled out ALL of our drip irrigation systems.
We also deadheaded and also began weeding our pollinator garden beds in hopes of encouraging more flowers along the path for everyone to enjoy!
We will be back out on Monday morning to continue to bring the garden back to life. Come by if you wanna lend a hand….
6th street and Richmond Greenway (between Ohio & Chanslor Ave)
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Special shout out to Quan!
You were a lifesaver Saturday 

Thank you!