WE DID IT: We Bought the Farm!

On September 14th after an historic Contra Costa County Board of Supervisor vote, Urban Tilth made history by becoming the first permanent farm in Richmond, CA! We began this part […]

New Beds and Harvest in the Making!

North Richmond Farm update! This week the crew has been preparing beds and transplanting lots of delicious produce like Onions Bunching onions Green Cabbage Red Cabbage Lettuce Salad mix As […]

Annual Harvest Festival

NEW RAIN DATE: Saturday, November 6th, 2021 Come celebrate the Harvest Festival and acquisition of the North Richmond Farm! Join us to celebrate this year’s bountiful harvest and our historic […]

North Richmond Farm Volunteer Day!

Mixed in some tea blending and packing to our 4th Saturday Volunteer Day at the North Richmond FarmWe started the day with transplanting lots of green onion and prepping their […]

North Richmond Farm Update!!

A lot of things have been happening at the farm from finishing our dry shed storage and completing the roofing as you can see our team crew member Chito finishing […]

North Richmond Update!

Many thanks to our returning and new volunteers for helping out our North Richmond Farm crew with weeding the windrows, weeding the beds, and planting a brand new bed! Woohoo! […]

Maintenance and Weeding!

The crew has been he has big settled as SYAP program has come to an end. The crew has been focusing on doing maintenance around the farm like weeding Bermuda […]

Proud Moment for NRF!

Honored to share our work at the North Richmond Farm with, Congressman Jim McGovern, DeSaulnier Mark Congressman, and Board of Supervisors, District 1, John Gioia – it’s refreshing to meet […]

Honey for Sale!

Honey is available in 10oz jars thanks to the hard-working honey bees we have at the North Richmond Farm! This will be available for pick up right at the farm. […]