Nothing gives our lives more meaning than being able to serve our extended Richmond family healthy chemical-free food!
The Farmers to Families FREE Box Program supports families and residents who have been most impacted by the Covid-19 crisis by delivering a FREE box of fresh fruits and vegetables. Since May 2020, Urban Tilth has used this new, initially USDA-funded program to begin delivering Richmond families in need of fresh healthy food.
With the help of over 9 local organizations like
YES Nature to Neighborhoods, the Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN),, ACCE, Building Blocks for Kids (BBK), Lifelong Medical Center, Rich City Rides, and Communities for a Better Environment (CBE), Urban Tilth has been able to deliver over 4219 FREE veggie boxes to 190 west county families in need.
We want to extend a special thanks to the Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDC). With their support, we were able to sign up 24 seniors for this FREE weekly, fruit, and vegetable box program!
Our staff looks forward to bring boxes to each senior’s door every Friday. Recently they thought it would be a fun show of respect to our elders to dress up every Friday so that the deliveries happen with style! Andres even wore a suit. It gives us so much pleasure to serve those who have served others their whole lives.
In August 2020, we feared that we would not be able to continue this vital lifeline program due to changes in the USDA program that made it impossible to support grassroots organizations and small family farmers but happily, the TomKat Farm Foundation’s Growing the Table Initiative, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation’s Environmental Donor Circle, and the Hellman Family Foundation stepped forward to ensure we could continue supporting our families and even expand the service to serve more families! Thanks to the support of these generous funders we can make sure there is food on our families’ tables through the end of the year.
If you are interested in supporting this program in 2021 please contact development@urbantilth.org.
To learn more about our Farmers’ to Families program or to join our waitlist visit our website.