North Richmond Farm Volunteer Day!

Mixed in some tea blending and packing to our 4th Saturday Volunteer Day at the North Richmond FarmWe started the day with transplanting lots of green onion and prepping their […]

Water Protectors, pumpkins and falling leaves…

Verde K-8th school has been welcoming the fall. The pumpkins are turning orange, the leaves are falling, and we are eating apples every day. We have been planting more greens […]

Glass Gem Corn at Richmond High

TOMORROW, we are having our 4th Saturday volunteer event at the farm, but we need additional support to help mix herbs for our wildfire safety kits’ tea blends and decongestants. […]

North Richmond Farm Update!!

A lot of things have been happening at the farm from finishing our dry shed storage and completing the roofing as you can see our team crew member Chito finishing […]

Richmond High School Urban Agriculture Update

This week the students got to practice what they learned, TRANSPLANTING! Really proud of them for putting in the work up until now. We’re halfway through quarter 1. Time flies!!! […]

88 pounds of tasty apples!

Verde K-8 has been learning about, bioregional history, our local ecosystem, and harvesting abundance. Tending to the garden is part of our time in the garden. This week we transplanted, […]

Happy Birthday Mrs Meza!

Verde Partnership Garden is buzzing and vibrant this season yesterday we celebrated Bienvenida Meza’s Bday she and her sons built a beautiful chayote arbor this week. Thank you for all […]

North Richmond Update!

Many thanks to our returning and new volunteers for helping out our North Richmond Farm crew with weeding the windrows, weeding the beds, and planting a brand new bed! Woohoo! […]

Urban Ag Class Update

Welcome back @rhsoilers !!!The urban ag class is now entering week 2 of the school year!!! This school year we got TWO classes! Week one we created group agreements, made […]