The Richmond High School Student Run Farm stand started in August of 2021. Our goal was to offer this as a service learning component of the Urban Agriculture Course where students get the opportunity to grow, harvest, and distribute the 2,000 lbs of crops they cultivate per year in the garden to students, and families in need at Richmond High School!
Typically every other Monday, 75 students from the Urban Agriculture Course harvest fresh produce and flowers from the 1,600 square foot raised bed garden located at Richmond High School. The farm stand at the school is set up similarly to our free farm stands we have during the week, (click here to learn about these other free farm stands). Students set up tables and a sign in sheet to offer up fresh, organically grown, seasonal produce to their peers and the RHS community, free of charge.
The RHS community response from teachers and students alike is overwhelming, and we receive both verbal and written gratitude from regular student, staff, and community patrons who pay us a visit during these farm stands. We hope to continue this practice of feeding our community and showing the youth the importance of the land.