Emergency Preparedness Training with Rich City Rays

Last week, the Just Transition team, in collaboration with the Rich City Rays, hosted an informative emergency preparedness training at the farm. The event brought together community members to discuss essential on disaster readiness and mutual aid.

Throughout the training, participants engaged in discussions about the significance of mutual aid networks in times of crisis, highlighting the importance of collective support during emergencies but the key focus of the event was emergency preparedness, specifically offering practical advice on how to pack an effective go-bag.

For those unable to attend, a list of helpful resources related to emergency preparedness has been shared below. The team encourage everyone to contribute additional resources or tips; comments with further suggestions are welcomed.

The Just Transition team and Rich City Rays express gratitude to all who participated in the training, hoping it sparked valuable insights and actions within the community. Should there be interest in more emergency preparedness workshops, the team is eager to host future events to continue strengthening the community’s readiness.