Hello All!
Richmond High School’s first Sunday volunteer events are dormant till February We’re sorry for the late notice! Have a wonderful break
Richmond High School’s first Sunday volunteer events are dormant till February We’re sorry for the late notice! Have a wonderful break
Youth are on break this week so our team has been doing a lot of infrastructure work & garden maintenance. The Richmond High team has been helping at the Verde […]
This weekend we have TWO great volunteer opportunities for the community! Please join us at one or both of these fantastic events as we continue to grow and improve our […]
In class, we have finished up topics on climate vs weather, and the impacts of climate change and are now wrapping up our Environmental Justice talk. Students are learning & […]
A look at what our biweekly farm stand looks like with our Urban Agriculture class at Richmond High School. The students take care of all the plants, harvest, wash, bundle […]
Location: Richmond High Garden (come in thru the main gate on 23rd street and drive to the back parking lot till you reach the tennis court. You’ll see the garden […]
School Gardens Apprentices this week learned about what soil is made of and Richmond’s soil composition. Then we learned about seeds and their relationship with soil. We seeded corn, cayenne […]
We got intimate with the flowers at Richmond high! We learned about their anatomy & drew them. Students also got to strain their herbal infusions and gave their oils unique […]
Students and staff have been asking for okras! Y’all got any tips or advice ?!