February has been a fruitful month! We hosted our first volunteer event before the pandemic! Shoutout to everyone who came out and supported! We appreciate y’all for helping us build/paint raised beds, weeding around the rose bushes, cleaning up the garden, planting flowers, & building the compost sifter
This month we’ve been diving into human foodways and how we as humans have evolved into the eating habits we have now. We are getting so much food coming up!! Hosting farmstands often and getting lovely feedback from the students and teachers
For love day we talked about cacao and its health benefits then cut up some fruit to have with the cacao. We got some interesting reactions
We are always amazed and proud of the group of youth we teach. Building community and learning about each other’s experiences! This is what growing food in the hood looks like! Happy to see the sun again, all the flowers blooming and hummingbirds showing love