North Richmond Farm Project Donors

Urban Tilth is deeply grateful to all of our funders who believe in the work we do and make it possible for us to continue to serve our community, especially to those funders who contributed to the North Richmond Farm Capital Campaign Fund. Because of this significant investment and unwavering partnership in 2023 we started construction on the North Richmond Farm!

We also want to say a special thank you to ALL those funders who went above and beyond and showed up for us in ways philanthropy rarely does. Thank you.

THANK YOU: 11th Hour, Benevity, Blackberry Creek Foundation, Bridgebuilders Foundation, Ceres Trust, Chorus Foundation, East Bay Community Foundation, Fidelity Charitable, Foundation for Sustainability and Innovation, Hellman Family Foundation, Impact Assets, Jason Katz-Brown Fidelity Charitable Fund, Hidden Leaf Foundation, Justice Justice Foundation, Kataly Foundation, Koshland Wachtel Fund, Manzanita Foundation, Marin Community Foundation, Measure W, Needlegrass Fund, Parks Dedication Fund, Elizabeth R. & William J. Patterson Foundation, Rachel’s Network, RSF Social Finance,  San Francisco Foundation, Schwab Charitable, Silicon Valley Community Foundation,  Stupski Foundation, Sunlight Giving, The Henry E. & Mary R Anderson Family Foundation, and Vanguard Charitable.

We also want to deeply thank the over 60+ individual donors and small family foundations who generously made it possible for Urban Tilth to move forward on this vision of hope, health and healing for North Richmond.

We could not do this work without your support.