North Richmond Farm Apprecentices’ Eventful Week

Our summer youth apprentices had an eventful week here at the North Richmond Farm! They started the week off with a transformative sheet mulching activity. This activity highlighted the benefits […]

Youth Apprentices at the Greenway

Our summer youth apprentices at the Greenway have been working hard! This week we have been discussing environmental justice and how important the Greenway is towards our collective benefit. Our […]

2024 Summer Youth Apprenticeship Program Open!

“Our youth are the leaders of tomorrow, and it’s crucial that we empower them to connect with nature, understand its importance, and become stewards of the environment.”  – Winona LaDuke, […]

SYAP Camping Trip

While the SYAP are out camping, we wanted to share this awesome event that they’ve been organizing. We are partnering with Crescent Park residents in South Richmond to have a […]

North Richmond Farm SYAP Week 2!

North Richmond farm Summer Apprentice Program update Week 2 Environmental Justice and Food Sovereignty: We had an amazing week with the farm youth apprentices. We learned about environmental justice and […]

Week 1 of SYAP!

Update from North Richmond Farms Summer Apprentice Crew. We just started Week One! We covered some important topics like site and tool safety, mindfulness, and North Richmond site history. Not […]