Orchard For All update! We are now on our 4th week and this week we are talking about Community Canvassing! Having our youth be able to communicate with our local community members and either help them out when gleaning and inform them of any event that can interest them or help out themselves and others! Activities are done this week we’re gleaning/harvesting of plums and figs we were able to harvest 45lbs of plumps and distribute these all out at our local farm stand. We also went around our community parks and streets talking to any community members and inviting them to our next community event. Which will be our screening in collaboration with the @richmondbackyard we’re we will be watching “The Keepers Of Corn” and our apprentices will be able to talk to members of the community and some local business owners to put up flyers and explain the details of the screening event. Thank you for reading and more to come from Ochard for all!