The Master Gardener Class is being offered in West County in 2008. Classes start October 2nd and finish February 19th, 2009, Thursdays from 10-3pm, with breaks scheduled for 11/27, 12/25 and 1/1/2009.
Class Location: Richmond Field Station
1301 S 46th St
Richmond, CA 94804
Applications will be available in July at the office (75 Santa Barbara Rd, 2 Fl. Pleasant Hill, behind the central library) or on the CCMG web-site at Applications will be accepted until September15, 2008, 5pm. Class size is limited. The fee for the program is $195.00, and includes the cost of training materials.
The UCCE Master Gardener program is sponsored by the University of California and Contra Costa County. The class addresses topics from the field of horticulture, ranging from soil science to plant pathology. Instructors come from UC campuses and include local experts.
In return for the training, UC Certified Master Gardeners help people throughout the county with gardening, environmental and horticultural issues; volunteering 75 hours in the year following graduation. MG volunteers lead workshops teaching people to garden using least toxic materials, the best use of local resources and the best suited flowering and fruiting plants for the varied climates in Contra Costa. They work in school gardens; in farmers markets and in multiple other venues. Master Gardeners staff a Hot-line Monday through Friday from 9-12, answering gardening questions from across the county.
MG’s are a dedicated, enthusiastic group of volunteers who continue with training every year to keep on top of our changing landscape. If you have further questions please call Program Coordinator, Bethallyn Black, at (925) 646-6130.