City of Richmond EarthDay Proclamation supporting urban ag and local food systems

Proclamation honoring April 22nd as Earth Day 2009 and Celebrating Richmond’s Growing Community Gardens
Whereas Earth Day arose out of a grassroots effort dedicated to honoring the natural environment, and is now widely celebrated on April 22; and

Whereas Richmond is fortunate to have an active group of dedicated individuals and groups who are committed to greening Richmond through the creation and tending of our many community gardens located within the City of Richmond; and

Whereas these groups include, but are not limited to: CYCLE, the 5% Local Coalition, the Verde Partnership Garden, EcoVillage Farm Learning Center, the Library Garden, the Peace Garden, the HEAL Garden, the School Gardens of Richmond High, Lincoln Elementary, Dover Elementary and Richmond College Prep School. The efforts of these groups reflect and promote the spirit of Earth Day through their many activities and community contributions: and

Whereas it is essential to support our local efforts to build long-time food security, improve nutrition, and reconnect people with an understanding of where our food comes from and how it is grown; and

Whereas local food systems are an alternative to global corporate models where producers and consumers are separated through a chain of processors/manufacturers, shippers and retailers, while a local food system redevelops these relationships and encourages a return of quality control to the consumer and the producer; and

Whereas by focusing on local food production we can begin to reverse trends of increased energy inputs, pollution, and global warming from production and long-distance transport and distribution of food; and
Whereas community gardens empower residents to become more active in their communities, providing cross-cultural and intergenerational opportunities for community members to meet, work, exercise, and learn together; and

Whereas community gardens reflect the cultural diversity of Richmond, and include gardeners that speak a number of languages including English, Spanish, Laotian, and more; and equally important,

Whereas community gardens add beauty to our neighborhoods and provide much needed green space in higher density areas.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I, Gayle McLaughlin, Mayor of the City of Richmond, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby, honor the numerous individuals involved in the efforts of CYCLE, the 5% Local Coalition, the Verde Partnership Garden, EcoVillage Farm Learning Center, the Library Garden, the Peace Garden, the HEAL Garden, the School Gardens of Richmond High, Lincoln Elementary, Dover Elementary and Richmond College Prep School, and all community garden efforts in Richmond, and I urge all residents to actively participate in the greening and gardening efforts available in our community.

A big thanks to Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and Nicole Valentino who conceived of and wrote this proclamation!