The work does not stop for our apprentices in the Basins of Relations program and Field Crew. The Richmond Greenway drainage area needs regular maintenance, as do the trails in Alvarado Park this week.
In the new year, Urban Tilth will be co-leading a process to direct reinvestment in green infrastructure in Richmond with the San Francisco Estuary Institute. Keep an eye out for community workshops throughout the year to provide your input!
We will also begin installing laundry greywater to garden irrigation systems in February in the Iron Triangle, Coronado and Santa Fe neighborhoods at no cost to homeowners. Reach out to Lucas@urbantilth.org with any questions. And please stay tuned for all the other amazing work that will be done over the course of the next 5 years as part of the Richmond Rising grant provided by the Transformative Climate Communities Program through the Strategic Growth Council.
If you would like to support the work of Urban Tilth please consider donating: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/2024eoy