We have had a PHENOMENAL week on the Greenway this week. After a truly life-affirming Saturday safely giving away 200 fruit trees to 200 community members filled of joy and enthusiasm during our 3rd Annual Fruit Tree Giveaway, we entered the week with our hearts warm and spirits lifted.
We planted 6 new pomegranate trees in the 6th street Community Gardens, continued freeing the pollinators from the weeds and recovering the pathways so that our pollinators and our community have a lovely place to visit
We also worked with our neighbor Delio, who is also a fantastic landscaper and carpenter, to finally build the arbors over the benches in Berryland!
Soon we will grow red & green grapes, kiwi, chayote and Passionflower up and over these arbors creating shade in the summer, DELICIOUS fruits and healing flowers.
On Tuesday, we mapped the 66 maturing trees in the Edible Forest at 16th street in preparation of making new signs so all visitors can see which fruits each tree will produce and when.
We are preparing to work with our Watersheds team to create a Native Plant demonstration garden at 16th street behind our succulent garden so visitors can learn more about the native plants of the San Francisco Bay Area. Stay tuned for more updates and photos about this exciting project in the coming weeks!
Join us for our 1st VOLUNTEER DAY after the stay-at-home order, at the Greenway Gardens!
Saturday, April 10th
from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
@ 6th street Community Garden
@ 16th Street Edible Forest