HEALING: Over the last couple of years, healing has become the center of discussion among all walks of life all across the world…but what does it mean? Well first, we must first expose what is implied in healing: that there is some from of harm taking place that we feel (in our bodies, in our community’s, in the world) that people need to heal from. At Urban Tilth, our main focus is to not only help communities in need get healthy and heal from the harms caused by food insecurity, but to also look for ways to keep them there, at their fullest, healthiest selves.
In 2021, Urban Tilth distributed 128,239 lbs. of healthy food to people living in West Contra Costa County (up from 63,855 lbs. in 2020) through our Farm to Table CSA, Weekly Farm Stands, schools, community events, and giveaways. In areas like North Richmond where food deserts are prominent, it is important to offer our communities in need with real, quality, long-term options, because if we don’t, chronic health diseases will continue to plague our city, especially for BIPOC and other marginalized populations.
Heal News
Check out our HEAL News Feed for regular updates on how we are continuing the work of healing our communities, and healing our bodies and our futures!

Farm to Table Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Our Farm to Table CSA is a youth and a local resident-run non-profit venture that looks to close the food insecurity gap for people living in West Contra Costa by delivering boxes of veggies, fruits, and herbs directly to people’s homes. Our paid membership includes a $30 Pay-it-forward option (big box, w/ $5 going towards a family in need) $25 ‘Everybody Eats’ big box option, $15 small box option, and a $10 small box option for very low-income residents,
In addition to our paid membership, and with the help of a USDA Farmers to Families Food Box grant, we created a free membership option, for 190 residents who were impacted most at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the help of new donors and successful fundraising campaigns, we were able to continue distributing these free boxes of vegetables and fruit when the USDA grant expired in May 2021.

Each week, box recipients receive an email and paper of “What’s in the Box?”, as well as additional resources and recipes to go along with the ever-changing variety of fruits and veggies.
We ourselves are always amazed at the new produce we find rolling through our doors, and know it can be both a fun yet new experience, especially for those young and/or beginner chefs. The possibilities are endless. So let’s get creative together! And add a new variety to your taste palette.
Farm Stands
Our weekly free farm stands are one of our most important elements because it is a chance to not only provide food insecure communities with free, ethically grown food, but it’s also a chance to build trust and engage with people who may not have access to things like transportation, or the internet…things that limit people’s options quality of life.

Free Nursery Stands

The North Richmond Farm has free vegetable and flowers starts in an attempt to help feed and beautify the community! This nursery stand operates on a first come, first serve basis.
The nursery stand is open to community members every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9AM – 4PM! Nursery stand is located at the front of the farm:
The North Richmond Farm, 323 Brookside Drive, Richmond, CA 94801
To sign up for free farm stand updates, click here!
Herb Directory

Our Herb Directory is our collection of herb portfolios with information about their uses, background, and how they grow.