Free Nursery Stand

Iglesia Bautista Panamericana in San Pablo visited the free nursery stand a couple of weeks ago to grab some starts for their very own vegetable garden. Now they have a […]

Herb Blending Session

Last herb blending session of the month! Tomorrow morning 9 am to 12 pm!! Come through the North Richmond farm to help blend some medicinal plants to support our community’s […]

Queer Ecology Skillshare

Moving Generation Justice & Ecology Project and Urban Tilth Invite you to a Queer Ecology Skillshare at the North Richmond Farm. We are happy to invite you all and dive […]

Fifth Community Health Forum

Last Friday, we held our FIFTH community health forum, co-facilitated by Basilia, a resident doctor from Lifelong Medical Center, teaching us about what is diabetes, how to read the nutrition […]

Community Health

What we need is an opportunity to make a new story one without pollution that builds an economy based on community health we have the resources and the community is […]

Volunteers Needed

The North Richmond Farm crew is looking for 2-5 helpful and excited volunteers to come out to the farm tomorrow and assist/learn about fruit tree maintenance and upkeep! Our orchard […]

Beautiful Bouquets for Sale

Urban Tilth has a limited supply of flower bouquets for you to purchase and brighten up your space! We have bouquets of Calla Lily’s, Ranunculus and a mix of wildflowers. […]

Garden/Farms Tours

Yesterday we had a special visit from some of the @calwsoc and @jsparrowstew! They got to take tours of the North Richmond Farm and The Greenway Gardens! They got to […]