Lots of exciting updates from our Watershed Restoration Program!
Our Watershed Restoration Field Crew has been working all year on growing plants for the Rheem Creek restoration project in the Rollingwood neighborhood of Richmond, which will help alleviate hazardous neighborhood flooding that has persisted for years. This week the first plants finally got installed on site! Thanks to The Watershed Project @thewatershedproject_,
American Rivers @americanrivers, Restoration Design Group @restorationdesigngroup and the City of Richmond for your collaboration/support of this project!
Our Basins of Relations Apprentices also had a big week – caring for native plants at Wildcat Creek, Kayaking out on Richardson Bay, and learning about green stormwater infrastructure thanks to a hands-on demo from San Francisco Estuary Institute. Thanks to the California Strategic Growth Council and California Department of Conservation for their support of our Basins of Relations Training Program.