Luis “Angel” Gonzalez

My experience with Urban Tilth started after high school with the 2018 Summer Youth Apprenticeship Program. SYAP introduced me to a type of work that could join all of my interests, including community service, plant science, and agriculture; this experience guided me to study Botany at Humboldt state. After graduating, I came back to Urban Tilth, where I now serve the Verde K-8 school community as the Verde Partnership Garden maintenance manager. This job is an opportunity to address the issues that matter to me, like environmental justice in my community and ecological consciousness through youth education and engagement. I have found this work transformative because of the relationship I’ve developed to the land and our community. In addition to maintaining the garden to support the VPG education program, I am interested in exploring the ways our stewardship of urban green spaces changes the greater ecology of California native plants, and how these spaces serve as an interface for urban communities to shape our greater ecosystem. I am a botanist, a steward, and proud to be from Richmond.