On January 16th, we held two separate MLK Day events in honor of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and they were huge successes! The weather leading up to the day of the events had us believing that we had to cut our day of service short, but to our surprise the heavens opened up and allowed us to shine! Hundreds of volunteers turned out and showed their love for the community.

Attendees got to participate in different beautifying projects at both the Richmond Greenway and at The North Richmond Farm. The North Richmond Farm planted over 400 native planted in the newly installed rain gardens located on Fred Jackson Way! The many hands made quick work of filling these gardens!

At the Richmond Greenway, volunteers got to also get their hands dirty by planting new trees, native plants, and even got to revamp a mural from last years event. Both events had great speakers which reminded us of the legacy of Dr.King while also inspiring us to grow together as a community.

We want to send the biggest thank you to all those who attended, participated, spoke, preformed, and showed love to their community for making this one of the biggest and best MLK Day events we have ever had! Please be on the lookout soon for future events if you would like to get involved!