Grandmother Salve was given the name because a wonderful group called 1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations reached out to Urban Tilth requested some salve to share with Water Protectors and Land Defenders who followed the “call to action” to go to Minnesota to stand in solidarity with the Anishinaabe to stop the development of the Line 3 oil pipeline from crossing through their traditional territory. Unfortunately, we missed our window to send it off with folks were were traveling from the Bay Area to Minnesota, but instead of throwing our efforts away, we decided to use this as an opportunity to weave our connections through food justice and climate justice together.With more time to spare and continued conversations and planning, we were able to put the oil infusion to work by inviting the Urban Agriculture class at Richmond High to create the salves. During this time, they were already in the process of learning about herbalism and the benefits and properties that plant medicines have to offer and even infused their own herbs that they grew and harvested at Richmond High! Over 40 students took their time, knowledge and shared skills to create 1 oz healing salves for you to enjoy!
To purchase one of these salves go to our online store.