Our 4th Annual Fruit Tree Giveaway was a huge success!
This year we expanded the event by adding 2 new locations and gave away 450 trees and 100 rosemary plants, that’s more than double the trees we gave away last year!
We held the giveaway at three separate locations: The 6th Street Community Garden, 16th Street and Unity Park Plaza along the Richmond Greenway, and at Verde Elementary School. Each location had 150 fruit trees of different varieties ranging from Blood Orange, Lemon, Lime, Apricot, Peach, Avocado, Pluot, and many others!

Lines began to form almost an hour before the giveaway began in some locations, but thankfully everyone who attended were in happy modes and were willing to wait in the long lines. One attendee in particular mentioned waiting the entire year in anticipation for this event because of its significance and because, “who doesn’t love a free fruit tree?”. Seeing so many community members come out and participate in this event filled our hearts immensely! We cant wait to see the progress of your trees!
To view all the photos from the giveaway check the links below!
Sign up for the Fruit Tree Lovers Email List!
If you would like to receive quarterly updates with helpful fruit tree care tips and reminders to help you take care of your new fruit tree sign up on our Fruit Tree Lovers Email List TODAY: click here!
Emails come every season (about every 3 months) we also include resources and invites for other giveaways
Some helpful tips for taking care of your fruit trees: