Summer of Progress: July – September Impact

Phases I Utilities

Sewer infrastructure and public sewer main extension testing completed and accepted by sanitary district.

Brookside Drive Frontage Improvements constructed, consisting of sidewalk, curb and gutter, driveway, handicap ramps, storm drain, roadway paving and striping, raingarden and landscape planter areas.

Nabeta Annex future crop area planted with cover crop to prepare the soil.  Design of irrigation system underway.

Installed a second cooler at Nabeta Annex, to allow for expanded CSA and VeggieRx programs.

Phase II Construction

  • Greenhouse structure completed, along with hardening yard framing.
  • Watershed Workshop, Tool Shed and Staff Break Room, Compost Toilet Building, Native Plant Nursery structures completed, roofing, exterior sheathing, interior sheetrocking underway. Electrical and low voltage conduits installed.
  • Watershed Workshop interior plaster by Summer Youth Apprentices.
  • Irrigation controllers relocated and irrigation extended to new landscape areas.
  • New back security fencing installed.
  • Rebuilt chicken coop covered outdoor run.
  • Erected Outdoor Classroom structures.
  • Installed permeable Gravel Pave at parking areas.
  • PG&E pre construction meeting held for Phase 2; construction by PG&E scheduled for 2024 (Hooray!!).
  • EBMUD water service application accepted.

355 Brookside Renovation completed in time for use by Farm and Education Staff (offices), and Summer Youth Apprentice Program.

Launch Oral History Project

  • Collect the first round of oral histories with Local elders for the History Walk Oral History Project

Construction Goals, October – December 2024

Brookside Drive Frontage:

  • Design irrigation and get installation quotes
  • PG&E relocate power poles
  • Establish security fencing

Complete Phase 2:

  • Install vent controllers and irrigation system in New Greenhouse.
  • Install shade cloth on Hardening Yard.
  • Install irrigation system and shade cloth at Native Plant Nursery.
  • Complete construction of the “Sweet Spot” (Honey Extraction Room and educational viewing area).
  • Complete windows, doors, interior and exterior finishes, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, low voltage systems, lighting, code-required signage, etc., at:
    • Tool Shed and farm crew break room
    • Watershed Workshop
    • Compost Toilet
  • Install pavers on North section of History Walk
  • Complete Row Crop Outdoor Classroom
  • Complete Orchard Outdoor Classroom
  • PG&E power to Phase 2
  • EBMUD water and fire service to Phase 2

Host Volunteer Planting Days for outdoor classrooms and selected new landscape areas

Expand the Farm Growing Space

  • Design and install a new water conserving irrigation system for crops at the Nabeta Annex

Raise funds needed to:

  • Close all funding gaps to complete Construction of Phase II and launch Phase III